Pasolini in Matera
The Gospel according to Matthew
50 years later
where is it
Superintendency of Historical and Artistic Heritage
of Matera
Matera, Italy
Media Exhibition Content
Virtual narrators, protagonists of the world of culture introduce visitors to the five thematic sections of the exhibition, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the filming of the Gospel according to Matthew by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Large projections activated by touch screens and monitors with interviews with the protagonists of the time, complete the dense multimedia exhibition apparatus.
Virtual storytellers, protagonists of the world of culture, introduce visitors to the 5 thematic sections of the exhibition, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the shooting of the film the Gospel According to Matthew that Pier Paolo Pasolini set in the city of Matera. Large projections activated by touch screens and monitors with interviews with the protagonists of the time, they complete the full-bodied multimedia apparatus of the exhibition.